I just woke up from a dream that I woke up crying because I'd dreamed about seeing my father, and instead of running aroundand getting things done, he stopped to talk to me. Yeah. This is going to be a great day.
So last night I had a drea, I dreamed I was in an Artists alley and my artist's alley friends were there, and I was sharing a table with Kat, and everyone was going by and looking at everyone else, and everyone else was doing really well, and they'd stop and look at Kat's stuff, and go right past mine.
I also had a low key nightmare, in which my motehr was more like her mother, gosspiping with her freinds, not beliveign in anyhting, carrying around a drink
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I woke from a version of Silent Hill 2's oepning where I replaced the main character to a cold, foggy and quiet morning. The birds were silent for long lonne minutes and it seemed like Iwas alone.
I swear to god, if the fire allarm goe s off down down, I'm no oging anywhere withtou a shot gun.